Ignite Your Dreams — Shine Bright!

Ignite Your Dreams, Shine Bright!

In one area of your life you’re rocking it out, but another area of your life is a hot mess. No matter what you try you just can’t seem to get a handle on it. It’s leaving you feeling guilty, confused, and wallowing in self-doubt. You’re done being treated like a doormat, and you’re ready for change!

Ignite Your Dreams — Shine Bright! Is exactly what you need. It’s a 16 week private coaching program where we really customize the process for your unique needs. We start off with an in-depth assessment & debrief of how you currently show up in your day to day life and how you show up when you’re under stress, using the Energy Leadership Index (ELI) Assessment

We then take those results, and create a highly customized 16 week plan to create change in the areas of your life that you want to change, while embracing all the amazing gifts that already exist in you to help you move forward into the life of your Dreams.

Premium assignments will be sent to you prior to our sessions together. This will help you gain awareness around those deep-rooted beliefs that are getting in the way of you having everything you want. It will also set you up to maximize the results from each of our sessions together, so that you’re ready to have the breakthroughs that will facilitate all the changes you want to make.

As a Bonus, you’ll have access to me outside of our 1 on 1 sessions together. So if you get stuck on an assignment, or something unexpected comes up that would otherwise leave you stagnant, I can jump in and coach you through it quickly to help push you forward and into action.



Sounds great...